The Cycle for nature programme is our way of giving back to this beautiful region and maintaining the extraordinary ecosystems of the 5-country UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube.

Let’s do it together! We have established the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail Destination Management Organisation, where a part of the contribution from your cycling holiday is used for financing nature conservation projects in the region. By booking your next cycling adventure with us you are directly giving something back to the Amazon of Europe.

The core zone is the ecological backbone of the reserve. It primarily covers the rivers with gravel and sand banks and their connected floodplains. The aims and measures in the core zone are predominantly focused on the preservation of natural habitats, species and ecological processes as well as on the restoration of sections which were negatively impacted by river regulation in the past.

The buffer zone comprises the area along the rivers outside the floodplains. It is characterized by a mosaic of cultivated land and villages while it also contains some smaller detached zones like oxbow lakes, fish ponds and gravel pits, and smaller wetlands. Extensive agriculture such as cattle grazing, hay making, organic production, local products marketing, ecotourism and other forms of recreation are some of the key activities in this area.

The outermost, so-called transition zone provides regional economic and scientific support to the buffer zone. Most towns and universities are situated within this area, which is also home ot the majority of the 900.000 people living within the TBR MDD.

A unique treasure in the heart of Europe

The Amazon of Europe spans across 1 million hectares of extraordinary natural and cultural landscapes, where the three rivers Mura, Drava and Danube connect Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, and Serbia. This area hosts the world’s first 5-country UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. It comprises about 300,000 hectares of core and buffer zones (existing protected area network) and around 700,000 hectares of transition zones.

Amazon of Europe Booking Center

The official Amazon of Europe Bike Trail Booking Center is here to help you plan and realize your perfect cycling adventure. Deeply connected with the local destination organizations we are always best informed about what is happening in the Amazon of Europe destination. Our known and proven Kingfisher Service doesn’t leave any wishes left open.

Contact us

+386 30 467 457

Amazing experiences await
