The central point of the section is the town of Barcs, which is called the “capital of Drava” in Hungary, providing both nature and a study-related tourism offer (Drava Gate Visitors’ Centre in Drávaszentes) and leisure facilities (the Barcs Spa and Recreation Centre). The town has several access points to the river, predominantly kept in their original natural state, and the river also marks the border with Croatia. Barcs is well-connected to the nearby areas with cycling infrastructure: the Barcs-Drávatamási bike path is the most beautiful section, routed along the river, in nature's embrace. Another genuine river view point is available at Vízvár, which is accessible by a 19-kilometre detour from Babócsa.

Zemljevid poti

Route profile
Length 49km
Time 3h
Starting point
End point

The Stage N6 of the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail starts in picturesque town named Nagyatád. It is well known for the thermal bath of Nagyatád, that has a history longer than a century. It offers several indoor and outdoor pools, providing medical services as well. Several hotels are available in the town.


A great fishing opportunity


Between Nagyatád and Babócsa, half way along the route, make sure you pay a visit to the fishing lake of Háromfa, which is also known as „Green Hell” by the locals. The lake is famous for its fish, often heavier than 20 kg.

The village of Babócsa is famous for its Basa Garden Nature Protection Area, which is open for visitors. The main attraction within is the flower field of narcissus angustifolius, the biggest narcissus field in Europe. A narcissus day event is organised each year at the end of April, when blossoming takes place for several days, accompanied by sport and music events and a local fair. One can be acquainted with the history of the village in the Prinke Castle Museum.


More than meets the eye


You can take an unforgettable detour on the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail by turning to the west from Babócsa, on an alternative route that takes you to Vízvár. Here you can experience breath-taking views of the Drava river. You can also pay a visit to the local Catholic church, which is a cultural heritage monument, along with the reformation church in Somogyudvarhely.


Plenty of possibilities


The route approaches Barcs through the village of Drávaszentes, where the Drava Gate Visitors’ Centre of the Danube-Drava National Park is located. The centre offers an exhibition, an animal farm, a conference room and guest rooms. In the town of Barcs you also have a chance to take a detour and continue your nature travel cycling on the Stage S10 of the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail.


A small town with a big personality


The end point of the Stage N6 of Amazon of Europe Bike Trail is Barcs. Barcs is a town of 11 thousand inhabitants, offering several services (stores, accommodation, banks, bicycle shop, railway station). You should definitely consider visiting the Barcs Thermal Bath and Recreational Centre. The cycle tour leaves Barcs on the Drava beach walkway where it continues along a newly built bicycle path towards Drávatamási, just parallel to the Drava river, directly in the nature. The route follows low-traffic public roads in flat landscape, so it is an easily accomplishable experience for all age groups.

Must see

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